Tribute from Prof Rosalyn Higgins

It is with the deepest regret that I have learned of the death of your father.
He has been an outstanding figure over the years in India and also in the world beyond. He has done so very much to being an understanding of international law to a very wide community; and his work has been of an exceptional calibre.
In addition, I personally know that he has been a very kind man. I always enjoyed the occasions when work brought us together.
I send my deep sympathy to you and your family on the loss of this fine international lawyer.
Rosalyn Higgins

from Prof Rama Rao at UN (student)

It is really shocking and sad
that Professor Anand passed away. You have reviewed his contribution so
well. In his own right, Professor Anand was an institution in Indian
international law - teaching and research. Although I have not been in
touch with him personally for several decades, the years that I knew him as
a student make me miss him badly. As you say, may his soul rest in peace.
We can only extend all our sympathy and support to his family, particularly
his wife , a very kind lady.
Best regards,
Rama Rao

Tribute from Prof Onuma Yasuaki

I wish to express my deep feelings of condolences to
you on the passing of Professor Anand.
As you all know well, although I was not taught by him directly, I have
always regarded myself as one of his students since 1970, when I became
Research Associate of the Univ of Tokyo Faculty of Law. He was then
almost the only Asian international lawyer whom we could regard as
competitive with leading Western international lawyers, publishing
actively attractive works in English.
It is through his works that I gradually came to know a number of Indian
international lawyers and their works. I made serious efforts to invite
leading Indian international lawyers as visiting professors and scholars
to the Univ of Tokyo, but this would not have been possible had I not
come to know works of Professor Anand.
It was therfore such a great pleasure for me that Professor Anand kindly
wrote a long review article of my "When was the Law of International
Society Born?" in the Journal of the History of International Law, vol 6
(2004) in the symposium dealing with this article, together with other
leading international lawyers and an IR scholar.
I have also been so grateful to him that he attended the first
preparatory meeting of the Asian Society of International Law in Tokyo
in October 2004, and always fully supported the preparations and
activities of the AsianSIL. It was unfortunate that two great Korean
international lawyers who attended the Tokyo preparatory meeting, Judge
Park of the ITLOS and Professor Paik of SNU, passed away rather shortly
after the Tokyo preparatory meeting, but Professor Anand was very
active. All Japanese members of the Society still vividly remember that
he attended the Second General Conference of the Society in August 2009
in Tokyo, although he had a serious problem with his legs. His presence
enhanced greatly the significance of the Tokyo Conference and of the
AsianSIL at large.
And it was 9 March 2010, just eleven months ago, that he was so kind as
to hold a gorgeous birthday party for me at his residence, inviting a
large number of leading Indian international lawyers. We all
enthusiastically discussed about the fourth General Conference of the
AsianSIL, which we all assumed to be held in Delhi in 2013. We all
believed that he would attend not only the Beijing Conference of 2011
but also Delhi Conference of 2013. Both can no longer be done.
Yet, I firmly believe that he will always be with us as long as we
continue making our efforts to improve the quality of international
legal studies in Asia and succeed his spirit in all our endeavours. His
name will be remembered by Asian international lawyers and international
lawyers of the world as a great Asian pioneer in our discipline.
Please convey my feelings of deep sorrow and condolences to Professor
Anand's family, his close friends and all Indian international lawyers.
With deep sorrow and sadness,
ONUMA Yasuaki

Tribute from Chinese Society of International Law

The Chinese Society of International Law and my colleagues would like to express to you, and through you to the family of Professor R.P. Anand, our deep condolence to the Professor's unexpected demise.

The Organizing Committee of the Beijing Conference will work out with the RPC some plan to honour and remember Professor Anand during the Beijing Conference, which we hope will encourage us and especially the young generations  in Asia to follow his path and contribute to the development of international law in Asia and the world.

Sincerely yours,
LU Song
Secretary General
Chinese Society of International Law
24 Zhanlanguan Road, Beijing 100037

Tribute from Japanese Society of International Law

Together with Judge Owada, President Xue, Professor Chesterman and all
> Society members, I wish to express my deep feelings of condolences to
> you, Professor Anand's family, his close friends and all Indian
> international lawyers.
> Although most of our Society members do not have the privilege of being
> taught directly by him, we are all students of Professor Anand, by
> learning his great works for years. How have we been proud of him, who
> was a visibel figure in the international lawyers' circle already in the
> early 1960s, when the term "international lawyers" virtually meant
> Western international lawyers. He has truly been a hero to us Asian
> international lawyers.
> Ever since October 2004, when he attended the first preparatory meeting
> of our Society in Tokyo, representing Indian international lawyers, he
> has been an indispensable figure of the Society. We remember vividly his
> contribution, affection and love.
> I believe that all of our Society members will continue studying his
> works, succeed his spirit, and devote their lives to the enhancement and
> furtherance of the study of international law in Asia and in the world.
> Sincerely yours,
> ONUMA Yasuaki

Tribute from Prof Xue Hanqin - Pres Asian Society of Int Law

Dear colleagues,
It is with great sorrow and sadness that I wish on behalf of the Asian Society of International Law to express our deepest condolences and sympathies to our Indian colleagues and through whom to the family and friends of Professor Anand for the great loss we have suffered in his death. His intellectual wisdom and guidance will always inspire us to continue the great cause that he has pursued for all his life. Professor Anand will be greatly missed at the Beijing Conference. He will live in our heart for ever.
Kind regards,
Xue Hanqin

from Professor BS Chimni

With deep sadness and sorrow I write that my beloved teacher Professor R.P.Anand passed away yesterday morning. I really have no words to express my feelings. I cannot believe that he is no more with us. He was a father figure to me and my colleagues and generations of students and we learnt all our international law from him.

Professor Dr. B.S.Chimni
Centre for International Legal Studies
School of International Studies
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi 10067