It is sad news but I thank you for conveying it to me. Ram Prakash
Anand was a great scholar and leader in our field and a source of
immense pride for the Yale Law School. Ram knew he was one of
international law's immortals but bore himself with modesty. Wherever
we met, whether at Yale, in Washington, at meetings of the Institut or
for a wonderful afternoon with Ram and his wife at their apartment in
New Delhi, he was always a delight to be with. I will miss his wisdom,
his warm personality and his jolly company but, like everyone in our
field, will continue to consult him through his work. This is a
painful loss for India and the world community.
Please convey my condolences to the members of his family and assure
them that all his friends from his days at Yale mourn his passing.
Anand was a great scholar and leader in our field and a source of
immense pride for the Yale Law School. Ram knew he was one of
international law's immortals but bore himself with modesty. Wherever
we met, whether at Yale, in Washington, at meetings of the Institut or
for a wonderful afternoon with Ram and his wife at their apartment in
New Delhi, he was always a delight to be with. I will miss his wisdom,
his warm personality and his jolly company but, like everyone in our
field, will continue to consult him through his work. This is a
painful loss for India and the world community.
Please convey my condolences to the members of his family and assure
them that all his friends from his days at Yale mourn his passing.